Sanjay Agarwal
Founder, FCA
Sh. Sanjay Agarwal is a fellow-member of the Institute with more than 30 years in full-time practice. As partner of M/s Bahl Gupta & Associates from 1986 till 1992, and later in independent practice, he gathered extensive experience in internal audits, management audits, balance sheet audits, income tax work, and management consultancy. This work was mainly related to the corporate sector and included such industrial groups as Eicher (tractors and LCVs), Samtel (television picture tubes), Nirula’s (restaurants and hotels), and HCL (office automation).
He has facilitated numerous workshops for NGO accountants, program heads, auditors and grant-makers on FCRA, NPO taxation, financial management, CSR and financial risk in grant-making in Asia and Europe. He has also served on committees and expert groups for institutions such as Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, and the Voluntary Action Cell of the Planning Commission.
Publications include ‘AccountAble Handbook on FCRA’ (2002, 2012), another on NGO Accounting and Regulation (2002) and ‘Daan and Other Giving Traditions in India’ (2010). He has also co-authored the India chapter in a book called ‘Philanthropy and Law in South Asia’ published by APPC, Philippines (2004, 2007).
Aditya Agarwal
Principal, ACA
Aditya Agarwal is a qualified member of ICAI in full-time practice. He graduated from Delhi University with honours in 2011. He has been involved in risk management audits, financial reviews, and systems advice for national and International NGOs, since 2012.
He is trying to figure out how GST works and has contributed to AccountAble issues on GST.