Compliance and Regulation

Compliance and Regulation

Finding a Clear Path through NPO Laws

NPO laws in India are like bamboo thickets. They grow up unexpectedly, sometime overnight. They can be very dense. And they have mostly not been mapped. Some trails may end up in dead-ends. Others may get you into serious trouble. Often they are inter-twined.

Get responsible, ethical, experienced advice before you get deep into the jungle. You might want to know more about:

  • Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010
  • Income Tax Act, 1961
  • Societies Registration Act, 1860 and its cousins
  • Companies Act, 2013
  • Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
  • Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
  • Good and Services Tax, 2017
  • International Taxation

You will find some useful background material in AccountAble series of circulars. If you have a specific query, write in at